BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Australia/Brisbane X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20240423T123000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20240428T170000 DTSTAMP:20240319T231516Z URL: deers-heritage-muster/ SUMMARY:2024 Spirit of the Bush - Balladeers & Heritage Muster DESCRIPTION:For those who love to listen to some of Australia's best ballad eers and bush poets\, Boondooma Homestead is the place to be in April 2024 The line up of Balladeers include Alec Beckett\, Alice Benfer\, Jeff Brown \, Clyde Cameron\, Amber Goldsmith\, Ashley Cook\, Bec Hance\, Brian Letto n\, Dean Perrett\, Ged &\; Trudy Kintz\, Ken Lindsay\, Kylie Castle\, K ylie Hogan\, Pete Smith\, Sharon SmithWhat a wonderful group of bush poets including Jennifer Bell\, Gary Fogerty\, Suzanne Honour\, Neil McArthur.T hese artist will perform from Friday through until Sunday.A great group of walkups performing Australian content will take to the stage from Tuesday to Thursday.(Please note: The booking fee is additional to the admission fee)Children under 15 years of age and under are free.WEDNESDAY EVENING: J oin us for our sausage sizzle fundraiser from 6pm with proceeds this year going LifeFlight.FIRES: Fires are allowed but must be in a container and p laced above the ground. Ashes MUST BE PLACED IN THE ASH DRUMS LOCATED THRO UGHOUT THE CAMPING AREA. If there is a total fire ban called\, no fires wi ll be allowed. Please do not allow smoke from your fire to annoy your neig hbours.MENU NOTICES: Menu notices will be displayed outside the kitchen ar ea and there will be different menus on some days. CASH IS REQUIRED FOR AL L MEALS FROM THE KITCHEN AND THE BAR.CAMP OVEN MEALS: Camp oven meals will be available on Friday and Saturday evenings. Tickets will be presold for Camp Oven meals. Times of the ticket sales and camp oven meals times will be displayed and announced from the stage. Ticket holders are to line up at the advertised time as the meal will be served on time.SPECIAL POETS CO MPETITION (Friday): There will be free admission for registered poets to t he homestead on Friday 26-04-2024 provided you have registered for this co mpetition. Registrations will close on 21-04-2024\, the poems must be of A ustralian content\, time limit will be 8 minutes including preamble. Cont act Brian Weier for more details: 0418 622 551.WALK UP PERFORMERS: Those w ishing to perform on the Tuesday to Thursday must register their participa tion by checking in with the Comperes upon arrival\, Clarrie Weller &\; Brian Weier. They will be located behind the stage at the back of the Big Top. Sound check will be on Monday with the possibly of walkup performanc es. Tuesday - open mic after lunch. Wednesday - Australian Country Music. Thursday - Traditional Australian Country Music. Walkup Bush Poets breakfa st Tuesday - Thursday.Saturday Walkup Competition - Conditions of EntryEnt rants must have performed twice on the stage at the current festival. Walk up artists are able to perform on Tuesday\, Wednesday and Thursday\, 23th and 25th April. Arrange times with Stage Manager.Walk up artists wishing to take part in the competition need to fill out the the registration form backstage under the Big Top no later than by 8.00 pm on Friday 26th April .Competition times will be announced during the festival.All material must be Australian country contentAnyone who has performed at any festival and won the competition is considered ineligibleAnyone who has performed for payment will be considered ineligibleCHURCH SERVICE: The service will take place in the gardens commencing at 8.00 am Sunday. The service will be co nducted by [to be advised].Please observe the “NO DOGS ALLOWED” and “NO SMOKING” signs throughout the grounds. ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: oads/2024/01/2081_image.jpg CATEGORIES:Spirit of the Bush LOCATION:Boondooma Homestead\, 8262 Mundubbera Durong Road\, \, Boondooma\, QLD\, 4613\, Australia GEO:-26.202263;151.292562 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=8262 Mundubbera Durong Road \, \, Boondooma\, QLD\, 4613\, Australia;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Boondo oma Homestead:geo:-26.202263,151.292562 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Australia/Brisbane X-LIC-LOCATION:Australia/Brisbane BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20230424T123000 TZOFFSETFROM:+1000 TZOFFSETTO:+1000 TZNAME:AEST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR