Become a Member
Membership of Boondooma Museum & Heritage Association Inc.
Interested people are encouraged to become members of Boondooma Museum & Heritage Association Inc. as provided for in the rules and to take an active interest in the activity and ongoing development at Boondooma Homestead.
Members will be kept informed by regular newsletter and will be invited to the Annual General Meeting held in November each year. Members will be eligible for election to the Management Committee at each AGM or earlier if a vacancy occurs.

The Association hosts many community events including An Australia Day Celebration and Anzac Day parade. The complex has hosted many community group functions and also family gatherings.
The complex is open on a daily basis and day visitors can participate in guided or self guided tours. A recent development is the approval of the property as a Caravan park. All money raised by the activity is invested back into the complex.
In recent years major progress has taken place in the restoration of the historic homestead and adjacent buildings. Other developments have taken place.
Recent developments include:
- Ongoing restoration of the homestead
- Rebuilding of the detached homestead kitchen
- Homestead security
- Construction of a huge maintenance shed
- Installation of an effluent catchment system
- Installation of a dump point
- Purchase of a number of water tanks
- Acquisition of equipment to provide internet and mobile phone services for visitors and workers
- Upgrading of kitchen facilities with tiled flooring and security
- Refurbishment work on cabins
- Purchase of two golf buggies as work vehicles and to ferry people with disabilities about the complex
- Purchase of a Polaris to assist with caravan parking especially during events and to move materials about the complex