About the Homestead
When we think of museums, we think of “things”, but each “thing” needs people to give it meaning. At Boondooma Homestead Museum & Heritage Assoc. Inc. most of our research is about people; the people who began Boondooma Station in 1846, subsequent owners and managers, the people who worked here with their wives and children, and the companies who supplied their goods.
Later, even before 1920, came the families who took up land here as the government steadily cut up the old Boondooma Station for closer settlement.
Each played their part in the history of Boondooma Station. Now their descendants visit us, walk where their forebears walked, and learn of new relatives.
We are fortunate to have Buddy Thomson as our Curator and Historian. Buddy’s grandparents and parents were the last private owners of Boondooma Station, so Buddy grew up here with his brothers. His earliest recollections include sitting in on the men’s stories of the old times and characters, and his knowledge continues to expand as people with Boondooma connections frequently exchange information with us.