Scots in the Bush 2023

For everyone who loves the Celtic Culture. Pipe bands, ceilidh bands, dancers representing any Celtic Country would be most welcome. The program allows for participation by people who play music that represents a Celtic country.
Many performers are featured and there is opportunity for walk up artists to perform. Give Pattie a call on 0408 070 769 if you would like to perform particularly on the Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.
Stall holders are most welcome. There are special tickets for stall holders. Buy your ticket and then register your stall by phoning 0408 070 769.
For those looking for alternative accommodation for Scots in the Bush, Lake Boondooma and Manar Park have cabins.
Entertaining our guests this year will be:
Tom Kimmet, Ishka, Dr Heather Clark (Ceilidh), Darrel Craft, Murrumba Pipes & Drums, Noosa Pipe Band, Mouldy Haggis, Vince Pagett, Toowoomba Caledonian Society Pipe Band, Moreton Celtic Fiddle Club, Australian Celtic Women, Brian Letton, David Rowan, Hervey Bay Pipe Band, Rum City Dancers, Aimee Robertson Dancers.
Merv Webster & Clarrie Weller will be the Comperes. Tony Coombes is doing the address to the Haggis.
Walkups are welcome on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.